
ISO 14001- UKAS Environmental Management

Air-Water Treatments Limited

ISO 14001 is a global standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The standard provides the framework for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility. The goal of the ISO 14001 standard is to give the top management of any organisation a framework for managing environmental impacts.

Because of its generic nature and universal acceptance, ISO 14001 has the potential to affect the environmental management practices of virtually every manufacturing company in the world - its impact even extends beyond the industrial realm. Any company whose products, services or day-to-day activities have an impact on the environment needs to be aware of ISO 14001.

Like ISO 900, ISO 14001 is a product of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). ISO 14001 is the world's first generic, internationally recognised standard for environmental management. Of the group of ISO 14000 standards, ISO 14001 is the actual standard to which companies get registered. Experts are predicting that the impacts of this dynamic standard will transcend the vast popularity of the world-renowned ISO 900 quality standard. ISO 14001 measures the conformance of an organisation's EMS to the specified requirements.

The benefits of showing conformance to the ISO 14001 standard are numerous. For example, assuring compliance to the vast array of Federal and State environmental regulations requires significant effort and steady attention. Having a well-defined EMS framework for these efforts, as defined in ISO 14001, will certainly help ease the burden for providing a systematic approach to compliance. Also, regulatory bodies seem to offer companies a certain "flexibility" contingent upon proven performance and public accountability records.

Compliance to ISO 14001 can provide the mechanism for an organisation to more definitively establish itself as a genuine performer. In addition, Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) have indicated that certification may lead to a reduction in the number of inspections required for obtaining permits. In unique circumstances, the EPA has reduced fines on the condition that financial resources are put into better practices, including compliance to ISO 14001.

Through the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), ISO 14001 is expected to become a prerequisite for doing business worldwide. Experts say that it is the market forces, which will drive acceptance of the new global environmental standards.

Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance capability of these evaluators and operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with the UK Government through the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and is guaranteed to be recognised by ALL EU Member States.

ISO 45001- UKAS Occupational Health & Safety

Air-Water Treatments Limited

A descendant of BS 8800, LOHSAS 18001 and a number of other national and private-sector standards, ISO 45001 can be used by any company to promote safe work practices and employee well-being. Its format parallels ISO 9001 and 14001.

ISO 45001 is an international standard which is recognised throughout all industries as being an important occupational health and safety guide. A growing number of organisations are becoming interested in attaining registration to this voluntary scheme. They understand that this will provide them numerous benefits, including:

> Ensuring the proper and effective management of worker health & safety.
> Demonstrating to regulatory bodies the seriousness of their commitment
to these issues.


Air-Water Treatment Accreditation

ISO 9001- UKAS Quality Assurance

Air-Water Treatments Limited

Most of the international standards begin with the letters "ISO", the acronym for the "International Organisation for Standardisation." This worldwide federation of 110 national standards bodies works to promote the growth of manufacturing, trade and communication among business operations worldwide, through the development of generic quality standards.

The most widely recognised standard is ISO 9001, a basic quality management system that can be used in industries of any size, anywhere in the world. Registration to ISO 9001 (or other quality/management standards) provides objective proof that a business has implemented an effective quality management system, and that it satisfies all of the requirements of the applicable standard. An external, impartial expert called a registrar or CB (Certification Body) conducts an on-site audit to determine whether or not a company is in conformance to the standard. If they are found to be in conformance, they will be issued a certificate showing their address, scope of operations and the seals of the accreditation bodies that give the registrar its legitimacy.

Registered as a supplier on the Utilities Vendor Database (UDVB)

Air-Water Treatments Limited - UVDB

The Utility Vendor Database (UVDB) system provides a fair, open and transparent means of selecting suppliers for potential tender opportunities whilst ensuring that utilities comply with EU Procurement Legislation. The utilities announce their intentions to source through the UVDB in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) on a regular basis. The UVDB is operated as a ‘pre-qualification system’ under article 30 of the EC Utility Directives.

OHSAS stands for Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series. In April 1999, the British Standards Institute released the specification that they called OHSAS 18001. This was developed in response to strong worldwide demand for a generalised, comprehensive outline for managing occupational health & safety issues. Starting with the supplier registration scheme, the UVDB enables your company to gain direct access to purchasers and access to tender selection opportunities that match your capabilities. For suppliers who need to demonstrate their capability for contracts with a high emphasis on Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) the second pre-qualification stage called Verify, applies.

The UVDB pre-qualifies suppliers and contractors under various headings. There are over 900 standard product codes and 2500 standard keywords used and controlled by the Utilities. The UVDB is a subscription-based service where the annual fee is based upon the number of product codes chosen.


Leading Specialists in the Field of Odour Abatement

Air-Water Treatment Accreditation
